5 tips for a successful interview

5 tips for a successful interview

It is often the smallest thing that will make the biggest difference at a job interview. The team at Forum Recruitment has curated 5 tips to help you nail a job interview and secure your next career move.


Thoroughly research the organisation and who you will be meeting and prepare some carefully considered questions to ask at the end of the interview. The best questions are generally the ones that have been prepared from the research you have undertaken not easily accessible from the main page on a company website. It may be in an annual report or in a news article from a third party.

Dress to impress

Make sure you have dressed appropriately for the interview. It always helps to check with your contact who has arranged the interview on the organisation’s dress code. You don’t want to turn up to the interview in corporate attire when the dress code is semi-casual. But, when in doubt it is always better to be overdressed rather than underdressed.

Be yourself

So often people go to interviews trying to be someone that they think the interviewer wants them to be. Whereas all you need to focus on is being the best version of yourself. Skills and qualifications got you in the interview room, your personality and cultural fit will get you the job.

Interview questions

From the ice breaker question “Tell me about yourself?” through to scenario or behavioural based questions. If you haven’t had an interview for a long time, investigate these types of interview questions and speak with a recruiter or HR contact on the style of the interview which you should anticipate. Most of all, answer questions honestly and make sure you can provide detailed tangible information.

Follow up

Often forgotten about, but very important is the follow-up post-interview. Craft an email (keep it on point) thanking the interviewers for their time and providing some reflection on the interview and demonstrate your excitement and enthusiasm at the prospect of joining the team. If you are dealing with a third party, send it to them and ask them to forward it on your behalf.

If you are interested in gaining more insights into nailing your next job interview, contact our team of property recruitment industry experts here.